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Things to Consider When Going into Business With a Friend

Going into business with someone close to you can be a truly fulfilling and enjoyable experience that is beneficial for both parties. However, to make sure things work well there are a few key steps you should take.

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How Starting a Cleaning Franchise Can Change Your Life!

For an increasing number of people in the UK, the prospect of starting and building a business is becoming a reality. Here we explain why opening a cleaning franchise is a great way to change the way you live your life and build for the future.

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What’s the Perfect Age to Become a Franchisee?

If you are considering running your own business, you might well be thinking about becoming a franchisee, but is this the right time in your life to make this step? The reality is that there isn’t one particular age at which it makes sense to take on a franchising opportunity, as you can really make a success of it at any time in your working life, so long as you have the correct skills and enthusiasm. Whatever your age, there are benefits to be reaped from working for yourself as part of a known franchise.

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Why Should I Set Up a Cleaning Business?

If you are interested in setting up a business of your own, the cleaning industry offers opportunity, freedom and great potential earnings. Here we list five reasons why an increasing number of entrepreneurs are opting to start up cleaning businesses.

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How a Commercial Cleaning Franchise Business Works

It can certainly be argued that franchising is one of the best and most popular business models as it helps hard working, ambitious people to become business owners with relative ease compared with setting up a business completely independently. With the support and opportunity provided by acquiring a commercial cleaning franchise, more and more people are taking a look at their careers and considering the franchise business model as an extremely viable alternative.

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Simple Reasons for Buying a Commercial Cleaning Franchise

Franchises are fast becoming one of the most popular and successful solutions for ditching the 9-5 lifestyle and being your own boss. Buying a franchise is an exciting opportunity, providing all the benefits of working for yourself, doing things on your own terms, but at the same time, enjoying the tried and tested business plan and ongoing support that you get from the franchise model. If you don’t have experience in setting a new business up from scratch, it’s no wonder that you’re attracted to the idea of being a franchisee.

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